Les t-shirt "moustache" by Eleven Paris

Publié le par lestrucsdesysy

Les t-shirt "moustache" by Eleven Paris
  • Présentation: 

Après la version bob l'éponge et Looney Tunes, la marque crée la version people et icône avec Marylin Monroe, Wiz Kalifa, Tupac, Will Smith, Barack Obama ... Et même la joconde !

Il existe aussi en plusieurs couleurs et pour homme et femme !!


  • Prix:

39€ le t-shirt

35€ le maillot


  • Site:


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Commenter cet article

Wow. Cool patterns and designs. I have always had a thing for retro stuffs. I was thinking of getting a tee with Hendrik's poster on it. I really loved Madona's print. Thank you so much for the suggestion. Please keep updating.
I am very happy that you have enjoyed my blog! I hope you find the shirt for you. <br /> <br /> Goodbye :) SYSY